
This timeline applies to Centers who did not request a FY25 preaward in response to the 8-21-24 email.
- AHEC generates 2024-25 NCCR Packets during the first week of September.
- Centers complete and return NCCR proposal documents to AHEC beginning October 1.
- Proposals received prior to this date may, at AHEC’s discretion, be reviewed earlier.
- AHEC reviews complete NCCR proposals received on or before October 28 in the order received.
- Beginning October 15, AHEC will request contracts be generated for approved 2024-25 NCCR proposals.
- AHEC returns incomplete NCCR proposals to Center for needed corrections. Proposals must be resubmitted in their entirety.
- AHEC reviews complete NCCR Proposals received after October 28 after all other NCCR proposals, including proposals from Centers who requested a FY25 preaward, have been reviewed.
- Center may invoice against their 2024-25 State and Federal contracts once these contracts are issued. This includes invoices for the period 9/1/24-8/31/25. Centers are discouraged from submitting invoices against a pending contract. Invoices submitted by Center to AHEC prior to issuance of 24-25 contracts will not be submitted by AHEC for payment by the University of Arizona and will be classified as “Not Available for Processing Pending 24-25 Contract.”